. 12-3-8 halt ) 12-4-8 clear word mark & 12 $ 11-3-8 * 11-4-8 - 11 / 0-1 clear storage , 0-3-8 set word mark % 0-4-8 divide # 3-8 @ 4-8 multiply ? 12-0 zero and add A 12-1 add B 12-2 branch C 12-3 compare D 12-4 move digit E 12-5 edit F 12-6 forms control G 12-7 H 12-8 store B address register I 12-9 ! 11-0 zero and subtract J 11-1 jump (1410) K 11-2 select stacker L 11-3 load M 11-4 move N 11-5 nop O 11-6 P 11-7 move record Q 11-8 store A address register R 11-9 | 0-2-8 S 0-2 subtract T 0-3 translate (1460) U 0-4 V 0-5 branch if word mark or zone W 0-6 branch if bit equal X 0-7 move and insert zeros Y 0-8 move zone Z 0-9 move and suppress zeros 0 0 1 1 read 2 2 print 3 3 read and print 4 4 punch 5 5 read and punch 6 6 print and punch 7 7 read and print and punch 8 8 start read feed 9 9 start punch feed blank 12- 11- 0- and no zone with 5-8 6-8 7-8 are unprintable.