Notes For V2.9-10 1. New Features 1.1 All simulators - POS (the position register for serial devices) is now 32b instead of 31b. - Basic VT1xx emulation has been implemented for Windows (code from Fischer Franz). Windows simulators must now include sim_vt.h and sim_vt.c as part of their compilations. The MINGW batch file has been modified accordingly. - sim_sock.c has been ported to OS/2 (code from Holger Veit). 1.2 1401 simulator - Multiply and divide have been implemented. - 1311 disk has been implemented. 1.3 AltairZ80 - Peter Schorn has added banked mode support and multi-user CP/M. - The demonstration software packages have been updated and expanded. 1.4 IBM 1130 - Brian Knittel has updated the 1130 simulator. 2. Release Notes 2.1 HP2100 The HP2100 CPU has been expanded to include floating point and dynamic mapping support. These have not been tested. 3. In Progress - Interdata 16b/32b: coded, not tested. - SDS 940: coded, not tested. - IBM 1620: coded, not tested. - GRI 909: waiting for more documentation. If you would like to help with the debugging of the untested simulators, they can be made available by special request.