Notes For V3.5-0 The source set has been extensively overhauled. For correct viewing, set Visual C++ or Emacs to have tab stops every 4 characters. 1. New Features in 3.4-1 1.1 Interdata, SDS, HP, PDP-8, PDP-18b terminal multiplexors - Added support for SET n DISCONNECT 1.2 VAX - Added latent QDSS support - Revised autoconfigure to handle QDSS 1.3 PDP-11 - Revised autoconfigure to handle more casees 2. Bugs Fixed in 3.4-1 2.1 SCP and libraries - Fixed sim_sock spurious SIGPIPE error in Unix/Linux - Fixed sim_tape misallocation of TPC map array for 64b simulators 2.2 1401 - Fixed bug, CPU reset was clearing SSB through SSG 2.3 PDP-11 - Fixed bug in VH vector display routine 2.4 Interdata - Fixed bug in SHOW PAS CONN/STATS - Fixed potential integer overflow exception in divide 2.5 SDS - Fixed bug in SHOW MUX CONN/STATS 2.6 HP - Fixed bug in SHOW MUX CONN/STATS 2.7 PDP-8 - Fixed bug in SHOW TTIX CONN/STATS - Fixed bug in SET/SHOW TTOXn LOG 2.8 PDP-18b - Fixed bug in SHOW TTIX CONN/STATS - Fixed bug in SET/SHOW TTOXn LOG 2.9 Nova, Eclipse - Fixed potential integer overflow exception in divide